How to Order
For your complete satisfaction, we offer the following possible means for ordering:
Shop in our e-shop is the same as shopping in our store, or rather in the supermarket. Generally, however, to describe the process
Choose your desired goods in our shop
paste it to your shopping cart
Furthermore, you can continue shopping or you can go to the checkout
if you are going to pay, choose the method of delivery and payment of goods
tell us the address where we should send goods
confirm the binding order
and you must wait until you deliver the goods home
It's easy, is not it?
Please note:
- All goods that you offer on our site are in stock at any of our stores in Veseli, Hungarian Hradišt or Strážnici.
- If it comes to the failure of some goods may be due to two reasons. The goods were stolen on our premises, or at the same time your order was purchased at the store. Stocks on the shop are updated every 30 minutes, 1 hour and price changes every 8 hours subscribing for new items.
- If you want to know how much we have in stock and what the premises:
Click on the product in stock at the sign, you'll see a table: Current stock availability loose pieces in the stores, when you click anywhere outside the table on shaded place, table closes.
- To search for products by brand?
- If you want to search for the brand around the shop all categories: the left column contains a selection of brand - after selecting a brand you will see products selected brands from all over the shop - from all categories. Other filtering filtovat not already.
- If you want to find the mark only one category: select the filter that is located above výrobkama
- Items in your shopping cart:
If you have inserted items in the cart and plow your mouse on the product code, you'll see a picture of the product
If you click the mouse on a stock, you will see an informative chart that tells you what to premises and how many pieces of the goods we have.
Register with us - the benefits of registration:
Just a few minutes to fill out a simple form and you are registered!
The advantage of registration is that about our discounts, news and events as learn first and you're more likely to utilize this offer.
In your next order no longer need to fill in your details, saving you time.
Additionally, you have an overview of all orders you have done for us.
Telephone in Veseli nad Moravia
tel: +420 518 323 812
Mobile: +420 725 411 748
In case you want to place an order over the phone, so you must tell us the product codes and quantity,
exact delivery address
and actively used e-mail and phone
(These data are also needed in the form of a collection of personal acceptance of on-site personal donations in Veseli nad Moravia, Uherske Hradiste and Strážnici when your delivery address is the address), without this information will not be possible to complete the order.
Information for orders provide for communication of their numbers.
Please always indicate the product code, which you are inquiring as to respond to your query faster and avoid confusion.
SMS in Veseli nad Moravia +420 725 411 748
Upon receipt of your order you will be informed about the receiving and sending email.