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These Kids Sheep hygienic tissues made from pure cellulose 3-ply 10 x 10 pieces

díky celulóze jsou měkké a pevné

These Kids Sheep hygienic tissues made from pure cellulose 3-ply 10 x 10 pieces
These Kids Sheep hygienic tissues made from pure cellulose 3-ply 10 x 10 pieces
Our Price
0.94 EUR with VAT 0%
In stock:   More than 20 ks
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Opište kód:
Producer:Metsä Tissue Corporation Finland
Brand:Tento  (web)
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Product description
Product type:Přírodní produkt

Ppírové kapesníky Tento jsou 3vrstvé hygienické kapesníky z čisté Celulózy. Díky tomuto materiálu jsou měkké a pevné. Nemají žádnou přidanou vůni, proto jsou univerzální a bezpečné pro alergiky. Papírové kapesníky s veselým obrázkem potěší nejen děti ale i dospělé.  Balení obsahuje 10 balíčků po 10 kapesnících.

  • Třívrstvý
  • Bez Parfemace
  • 10 ks v 10 balíčcích
  • 100% Celulóza
  • Extra jemný
  • Velmi šetrné k dětské pokožce

Výhody výrobků z Celulózy:

  • Tyto produkty z přírodního materiálu jsou 100% biologicky rozložitelné v půdě i vodě.
  • Neobsahují žádné chemikálie, Alergeny, ani problematické látky pro životní prostředí.
  • Výrobky jsou bezpečnépřírodní a pocházejí z obnovitelných surovin, nejsou tak zátěží pro planetu jako ropa, uhlí, Těžké kovy atd.
  • Produkty z Celulózy jsou pevné, odolné vůči teplotám, chuťově neutrální a certifikovány pro použití v potravinářství a hygienicky nezávadné.

Hygienic handling, dispose of in a trash can after use.


These products are environmentally friendly - they are produced close to you to minimize carbon emissions during transportation.

They also approach forests as a source of wood responsibly, and for every processed tree, they plant 4 new trees.

All Tento products are PEFC certified, for more than 90% of the wood we know its exact origin.

Interesting fact about cellulose to conclude:
Recently, it has been increasingly added to conventional plastic products, thereby reducing the amount of oil needed to produce the given product.

Many eco-companies also add it to already recycled materials and strive to move more towards green products.

Cellulose is found in all plants on Earth and is their fundamental building block.
Cellulose is the most widespread Biopolymer on Earth and is available in inexhaustible quantities, as millions of tons of this renewable material are produced annually by plants.
This is a sustainable, natural, and environmentally friendly material for the production of various products.
A new feature, for example, is products made from bamboo cellulose, which are even more eco-friendly than traditional wood-based cellulose.

Cellulose is most commonly obtained from wood during forest thinning, which allows forests to breathe better and trees to grow.The most environmentally friendly option is FSC-certified thinning – a monitored and controlled method of thinning in harmony with nature and the environment.
The wood is then crushed and the cellulose itself is isolated, which is then further processed and pressed into rolls or sheets, or it is bleached or cleaned.
Then the rolls or sheets are further processed according to their intended use, for example, trimmed, pressed into molds, crushed as additives.
From this prepared material, it is already possible to produce practically anything, from cups for hot drinks, food boxes, packaging, as an additive to other materials, etc.

Customer reviews
These Kids Sheep hygienic tissues made from pure cellulose 3-ply 10 x 10 pieces
0.94 EUR
Kapesníky jsou pevné.
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Discussion: These Kids Sheep hygienic tissues made from pure cellulose 3-ply 10 x 10 pieces

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Product description
Customer reviews
Product type:Přírodní produkt

Ppírové kapesníky Tento jsou 3vrstvé hygienické kapesníky z čisté Celulózy. Díky tomuto materiálu jsou měkké a pevné. Nemají žádnou přidanou vůni, proto jsou univerzální a bezpečné pro alergiky. Papírové kapesníky s veselým obrázkem potěší nejen děti ale i dospělé.  Balení obsahuje 10 balíčků po 10 kapesnících.

  • Třívrstvý
  • Bez Parfemace
  • 10 ks v 10 balíčcích
  • 100% Celulóza
  • Extra jemný
  • Velmi šetrné k dětské pokožce

Výhody výrobků z Celulózy:

  • Tyto produkty z přírodního materiálu jsou 100% biologicky rozložitelné v půdě i vodě.
  • Neobsahují žádné chemikálie, Alergeny, ani problematické látky pro životní prostředí.
  • Výrobky jsou bezpečnépřírodní a pocházejí z obnovitelných surovin, nejsou tak zátěží pro planetu jako ropa, uhlí, Těžké kovy atd.
  • Produkty z Celulózy jsou pevné, odolné vůči teplotám, chuťově neutrální a certifikovány pro použití v potravinářství a hygienicky nezávadné.

Hygienic handling, dispose of in a trash can after use.


These products are environmentally friendly - they are produced close to you to minimize carbon emissions during transportation.

They also approach forests as a source of wood responsibly, and for every processed tree, they plant 4 new trees.

All Tento products are PEFC certified, for more than 90% of the wood we know its exact origin.

Interesting fact about cellulose to conclude:
Recently, it has been increasingly added to conventional plastic products, thereby reducing the amount of oil needed to produce the given product.

Many eco-companies also add it to already recycled materials and strive to move more towards green products.

Cellulose is found in all plants on Earth and is their fundamental building block.
Cellulose is the most widespread Biopolymer on Earth and is available in inexhaustible quantities, as millions of tons of this renewable material are produced annually by plants.
This is a sustainable, natural, and environmentally friendly material for the production of various products.
A new feature, for example, is products made from bamboo cellulose, which are even more eco-friendly than traditional wood-based cellulose.

Cellulose is most commonly obtained from wood during forest thinning, which allows forests to breathe better and trees to grow.The most environmentally friendly option is FSC-certified thinning – a monitored and controlled method of thinning in harmony with nature and the environment.
The wood is then crushed and the cellulose itself is isolated, which is then further processed and pressed into rolls or sheets, or it is bleached or cleaned.
Then the rolls or sheets are further processed according to their intended use, for example, trimmed, pressed into molds, crushed as additives.
From this prepared material, it is already possible to produce practically anything, from cups for hot drinks, food boxes, packaging, as an additive to other materials, etc.

These Kids Sheep hygienic tissues made from pure cellulose 3-ply 10 x 10 pieces
0.94 EUR
Kapesníky jsou pevné.

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