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Sapphire facet bracelet elastic natural stone, ball 4 mm / 16 - 17 cm, stone of wisdom, truth and intuition
Code: | 2208525 |
EAN: | 02208525 |
Producer: | EK energimůza Morava |
Brand: | Krystal: Safír / Sapphire (web) |
Product type: | Ruční výroba |
Druh: | kameny |
Materiál: | Kámen |
Barva: | Modré odstíny |
říká se, že tento kámen přináší klid, radost a moudrost a symbolizuje pravdu a upřímnost, sluneční paprsky si s ním krásně pohrávají, zvyšuje kreativitu
- podporuje představivost a kreativitu, dává mír v duši, přitahuje přátelství, lásku a štěstí
- usnadňuje sebevyjádření, rozvíjí psychické schopnosti
- je hledačem duchovní pravdy
- tradičně se spojuje s láskou a neposkvrněností
- jedná se o mimořádné účinný kámen, pokud jde o léčení Země a čaker
- tento poklidný kámen pomáhá setrvat na vlastní duchovní cestě
- používá se při šamanských obřadech k přetavování negativních energií
- otevírá prostor k léčení krční čakry a štítné žlázy
- usnadňuje sebevyjádření a vyslovení vlastní pravdy
- Stimuluje hypofýzu a celý systém žláz
- zahání nespavost
- uklidňuje příliš aktivní tělesný systém a reguluje činnost žláz
- blahodárně působí na oči, odstraňuje nečistoty a stres
- léčí krevní poruchy a potlačuje nadměrné krvácení
- posiluje cévy a zvyšuje jejich pružnost
- pod proudem vlažné vody nebo přes noc v misce vody, nejlépe společně s Křišťálem
- před každým použitím čistíme několik minut pod tekoucí vlažnou vodou
- jelikož je citlivý na prudké sluneční světlo, nabíjíme ho jen krátce
If you wear the mineral for the effects it has, we recommend that you wear it every day. You can usually tell when you want to carry it with you, and when to leave it at home.
- you can wear mineral stones every day
- we recommend that you take them off at times when they may be damaged in some way
- it is advisable to keep it in a dark place
- most minerals can be cleaned under a stream of lukewarm Water, just gently rub the minerals between your fingers
- never, but really NEVER use cheMicals for cleaning
- some minerals should not come into contact with Water, these are Malachite, Selenite, Fluorite, Rhodonite, Lepidolite, CALCITE and Hematite. Malachite is slightly poisonous and releases its poisonous substance in Water. For this reason, it is best not to bathe with it and never drink the Water.
- showering and bathing with minerals is not recommended
- minerals should also be thought of in the sun, some of them may fade slightly and for example Amethyst should be completely protected from harsh sunlight as it turns to crystal in strong sunlight
Minerals hold a lot of information and powerful energies which they receive from their surroundings and store. They can receive them but also give them, both in a positive and negative way. In order to be able to use the stones for as long as possible and enjoy their positive vibrations, it is necessary to cleanse and recharge them energetically on a regular basis.
Citrine or Amethyst druses
- Just place the mineral on the druse and let it rest there for a day or two.
- Citrine druse is the most suitable in this respect, as it never needs cleaning or recharging itself, and is an inexhaustible source of purifying energy.
Water and sunlight or moonlight
- The most common and very easy way to cleanse the bracelets is under a stream of clean Water
- Clean mountain streams and streams are best, but Water that has gone through a spiral or vortex will also serve you well.
- Sunlight or moonlight will then charge the bracelet.
- Each mineral is associated with either solar or lunar energy, so if you have a bracelet made of a combination of these stones, charge your bracelets night and day.
- If charging in the sun, choose a bright spot, no need for harsh sunlight all day.
Prayer, meditation and purification by thought/word
- Even our thoughts and words have vibrations and carry with them a powerful energy.
- Therefore, you can cleanse and recharge your minerals with your inner power, meditation, prayer or thought or word.
It is typically blue, but can turn pink, purple or Orange due to various impurities. The most common and popular colour, however, is blue, after which it was named. Sapphire comes from the Greek word sappheiros or sapphirus, which is derived from the Hebrew sappire - translated as blue. Sapphire is the second hardest gemstone in the world after diamond.
In terms of composition, it is a variety of the mineral corundum.
Faceting is the process of cutting out smooth areas (facets), most often polygonal in shape. This finish gives the beads of the stones an exceptional sparkle and bracelets made from these beads are a beautiful elegant accessory.
From now on, everything you need for perfect harmonisation is on your wrist.
- a simple bracelet
- the bracelet is flexible, thanks to the elastic band it has a universal size
- guarantees a comfortable wearing experience
- suitable for a variety of occasions, suits all ages
- diameter of the ball on the bracelet: 4 mm
It is a natural material. Its colour and texture may therefore differ slightly from the illustration photo.
You've just fed your left hemisphere and satisfied your brain by reading the description. Now it's time to listen to your heart. Trust your intuition and inner guidance. The stone that is the best choice for you right now is the one you like and you don't have to know what it's for. Your soul knows.
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Product type: | Ruční výroba |
Druh: | kameny |
Materiál: | Kámen |
Barva: | Modré odstíny |
říká se, že tento kámen přináší klid, radost a moudrost a symbolizuje pravdu a upřímnost, sluneční paprsky si s ním krásně pohrávají, zvyšuje kreativitu
- podporuje představivost a kreativitu, dává mír v duši, přitahuje přátelství, lásku a štěstí
- usnadňuje sebevyjádření, rozvíjí psychické schopnosti
- je hledačem duchovní pravdy
- tradičně se spojuje s láskou a neposkvrněností
- jedná se o mimořádné účinný kámen, pokud jde o léčení Země a čaker
- tento poklidný kámen pomáhá setrvat na vlastní duchovní cestě
- používá se při šamanských obřadech k přetavování negativních energií
- otevírá prostor k léčení krční čakry a štítné žlázy
- usnadňuje sebevyjádření a vyslovení vlastní pravdy
- Stimuluje hypofýzu a celý systém žláz
- zahání nespavost
- uklidňuje příliš aktivní tělesný systém a reguluje činnost žláz
- blahodárně působí na oči, odstraňuje nečistoty a stres
- léčí krevní poruchy a potlačuje nadměrné krvácení
- posiluje cévy a zvyšuje jejich pružnost
- pod proudem vlažné vody nebo přes noc v misce vody, nejlépe společně s Křišťálem
- před každým použitím čistíme několik minut pod tekoucí vlažnou vodou
- jelikož je citlivý na prudké sluneční světlo, nabíjíme ho jen krátce
If you wear the mineral for the effects it has, we recommend that you wear it every day. You can usually tell when you want to carry it with you, and when to leave it at home.
- you can wear mineral stones every day
- we recommend that you take them off at times when they may be damaged in some way
- it is advisable to keep it in a dark place
- most minerals can be cleaned under a stream of lukewarm Water, just gently rub the minerals between your fingers
- never, but really NEVER use cheMicals for cleaning
- some minerals should not come into contact with Water, these are Malachite, Selenite, Fluorite, Rhodonite, Lepidolite, CALCITE and Hematite. Malachite is slightly poisonous and releases its poisonous substance in Water. For this reason, it is best not to bathe with it and never drink the Water.
- showering and bathing with minerals is not recommended
- minerals should also be thought of in the sun, some of them may fade slightly and for example Amethyst should be completely protected from harsh sunlight as it turns to crystal in strong sunlight
Minerals hold a lot of information and powerful energies which they receive from their surroundings and store. They can receive them but also give them, both in a positive and negative way. In order to be able to use the stones for as long as possible and enjoy their positive vibrations, it is necessary to cleanse and recharge them energetically on a regular basis.
Citrine or Amethyst druses
- Just place the mineral on the druse and let it rest there for a day or two.
- Citrine druse is the most suitable in this respect, as it never needs cleaning or recharging itself, and is an inexhaustible source of purifying energy.
Water and sunlight or moonlight
- The most common and very easy way to cleanse the bracelets is under a stream of clean Water
- Clean mountain streams and streams are best, but Water that has gone through a spiral or vortex will also serve you well.
- Sunlight or moonlight will then charge the bracelet.
- Each mineral is associated with either solar or lunar energy, so if you have a bracelet made of a combination of these stones, charge your bracelets night and day.
- If charging in the sun, choose a bright spot, no need for harsh sunlight all day.
Prayer, meditation and purification by thought/word
- Even our thoughts and words have vibrations and carry with them a powerful energy.
- Therefore, you can cleanse and recharge your minerals with your inner power, meditation, prayer or thought or word.
It is typically blue, but can turn pink, purple or Orange due to various impurities. The most common and popular colour, however, is blue, after which it was named. Sapphire comes from the Greek word sappheiros or sapphirus, which is derived from the Hebrew sappire - translated as blue. Sapphire is the second hardest gemstone in the world after diamond.
In terms of composition, it is a variety of the mineral corundum.
Faceting is the process of cutting out smooth areas (facets), most often polygonal in shape. This finish gives the beads of the stones an exceptional sparkle and bracelets made from these beads are a beautiful elegant accessory.
From now on, everything you need for perfect harmonisation is on your wrist.
- a simple bracelet
- the bracelet is flexible, thanks to the elastic band it has a universal size
- guarantees a comfortable wearing experience
- suitable for a variety of occasions, suits all ages
- diameter of the ball on the bracelet: 4 mm
It is a natural material. Its colour and texture may therefore differ slightly from the illustration photo.
You've just fed your left hemisphere and satisfied your brain by reading the description. Now it's time to listen to your heart. Trust your intuition and inner guidance. The stone that is the best choice for you right now is the one you like and you don't have to know what it's for. Your soul knows.