Savo Original disinfection of water and surfaces effectively removes 99.9% of bacteria 4 kg
disinfection of Water and surfaces, effectively removes 99.9% of bacteria
Korozivní/žíravé: | Korozivní/žíravé |
Nebezpečné pro životní prostředí: | Nebezpečné pro životní prostředí |
For cleaning and disinfecting floors, furniture, kitchen and hygiene utensils. Use a solution of 1l of SAVA Original and 10l of Water. Heavy soiling should be removed mechanically first. Rinse toys, objects and surfaces in contact with food after 30 minutes with potable Water.
Disinfection of surfaces:
For floors, kitchens, sanitary ware and sanitary ceramics, use a solution of 2 l Savo Original and 9 l Water, leave for 30 minutes. Remove heavy soiling mechanically first. Rinse toys, objects and food contact surfaces after 30 minutes with potable Water.
Disinfection of drinking Water in wells:
Dose 60 ml per 2 m³ of Water. Dissolve a dose of Savo Original in 9 l of Water (e.g. in a bucket) and then scrape the Water surface of the well. After 30 min, the Water is disinfected and the active substance is distributed at the same time.
Dose 20 ml of SAVA Original for every 1000 litres of drinking Water. Scrape the Water surface with a diluted SAVA solution (e.g. mixed in a bucket or jug). After 30 min. the Water is disinfected and the active substance is distributed at the same time.
Swimmingpool Water disinfection:
Can be used as a season-long microbicide and anti-fouling product for swimming pool operation. Swimming is possible after 30 minutes after application of the product.
Disinfection and Algae elimination in swimming pools
Savo Original is a product suitable for disinfecting swimming pools. It replaces the so called chloroshock in the pool program
Initiation dose: For the first chlorination of the pool, dose 160 ml of Savo Original per 3 m³ of Water. First mix the dose in 9 l of Water (e.g. in a whitener) and then pour it into the pool in batches.
Maintenance dose: For normal disinfection and to maintain the correct concentration of free Chlorine in the pool, apply 80 ml of Savo Original per 3 m³ of Water every 2-3 days. For prolonged air temperatures above 25 °C and continuous sunshine, it is advisable to apply a maintenance dose daily.
Shock dose: In case of Algae, prolonged hot weather or increased traffic, apply 240 ml of Savo Original per 3 m³ of Water at once.
Do not use on:
anodisedaluminium and linoleum. In case of doubt, new or unusual surfaces, coloured surfaces or painted wood, painted metal, marble, vinyl, chrome surfaces (damaged or low quality) and damaged surfaces, test the product first on a small inconspicuous area.
Disinfectant: sodium hypochlorite 4.7 g/100 g, Less than 5% Chlorine-based bleaching agents (sodium hypochlorite)
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Nebezpečné pro životní prostředí
Vysoce toxický pro vodní organismy, s dlouhodobými účinky. Toxický pro vodní organismy, s dlouhodobými účinky.
Varování. Pokyny pro bezpečné zacházení
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For cleaning and disinfecting floors, furniture, kitchen and hygiene utensils. Use a solution of 1l of SAVA Original and 10l of Water. Heavy soiling should be removed mechanically first. Rinse toys, objects and surfaces in contact with food after 30 minutes with potable Water.
Disinfection of surfaces:
For floors, kitchens, sanitary ware and sanitary ceramics, use a solution of 2 l Savo Original and 9 l Water, leave for 30 minutes. Remove heavy soiling mechanically first. Rinse toys, objects and food contact surfaces after 30 minutes with potable Water.
Disinfection of drinking Water in wells:
Dose 60 ml per 2 m³ of Water. Dissolve a dose of Savo Original in 9 l of Water (e.g. in a bucket) and then scrape the Water surface of the well. After 30 min, the Water is disinfected and the active substance is distributed at the same time.
Dose 20 ml of SAVA Original for every 1000 litres of drinking Water. Scrape the Water surface with a diluted SAVA solution (e.g. mixed in a bucket or jug). After 30 min. the Water is disinfected and the active substance is distributed at the same time.
Swimmingpool Water disinfection:
Can be used as a season-long microbicide and anti-fouling product for swimming pool operation. Swimming is possible after 30 minutes after application of the product.
Disinfection and Algae elimination in swimming pools
Savo Original is a product suitable for disinfecting swimming pools. It replaces the so called chloroshock in the pool program
Initiation dose: For the first chlorination of the pool, dose 160 ml of Savo Original per 3 m³ of Water. First mix the dose in 9 l of Water (e.g. in a whitener) and then pour it into the pool in batches.
Maintenance dose: For normal disinfection and to maintain the correct concentration of free Chlorine in the pool, apply 80 ml of Savo Original per 3 m³ of Water every 2-3 days. For prolonged air temperatures above 25 °C and continuous sunshine, it is advisable to apply a maintenance dose daily.
Shock dose: In case of Algae, prolonged hot weather or increased traffic, apply 240 ml of Savo Original per 3 m³ of Water at once.
Do not use on:
anodisedaluminium and linoleum. In case of doubt, new or unusual surfaces, coloured surfaces or painted wood, painted metal, marble, vinyl, chrome surfaces (damaged or low quality) and damaged surfaces, test the product first on a small inconspicuous area.
Disinfectant: sodium hypochlorite 4.7 g/100 g, Less than 5% Chlorine-based bleaching agents (sodium hypochlorite)
Může být korozivní pro kovy. Způsobuje těžké poleptání kůže a poškození očí.
Varování. Pokyny pro bezpečné zacházení
Nevdechujte prach/dým/plyn/mlhu/páry/aerosoly. Po manipulaci důkladně omyjte… Používejte ochranné rukavice / ochranný oděv / ochranné brýle / obličejový štít. Skladujte uzamčené. Uchovávejte pouze v původním obalu. Uchovávejte mimo dosah dětí.
Nebezpečné pro životní prostředí
Vysoce toxický pro vodní organismy, s dlouhodobými účinky. Toxický pro vodní organismy, s dlouhodobými účinky.
Varování. Pokyny pro bezpečné zacházení
Zabraňte uvolnění do životního prostředí. Uniklý produkt seberte. Uchovávejte mimo dosah dětí.