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Wise Fly Stick Catcher of octopuses and flies

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Wise Fly Stick Catcher of octopuses and flies
Our Price
0.87 EUR with VAT 0%
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0.93 EUR with VAT
In stock:   More than 20 ks
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Opište kód:
Producer:Papírny Moudrý, s.r.o.
Brand:Papírny Moudrý Fly Stick  (web)
Papírny Moudrý Fly Stick
Product description

Remove the Octomile and Fly Stick Trap from the box. Then hang it with the plastic hook in a suitable place. The trap can also just be placed in a place where insects are present. To increase the effectiveness, a supporting attractant such as Honey or syrup etc. can be added to the lower plastic cover. In case of outdoor use, the lower plastic cover can be removed.

Application notes
the Octomile and Fly Stick Fly Trap is effective until the entire surface is filled with trapped insects. Do not hang the Octomile and Fly Stick Fly Trap in direct sunlight or in drafts. In the event of hands getting stained with glue, it can be removed with soap and Water.


- height 35 cm
- width including covers 6,5 cm
- diameter of the glue roller 3,4 cm


These data are for information only. The seller is not liable for damages caused by improper use.

Customer reviews
0.87 EUR
Zatím s tímhle přípravkem nemám zkušenosti, ale octomilek jsem tu v létě měla snad stovky a doufám, že mi tento výrobek pomůže ty octomilky zničit !!!
0.87 EUR
za 5 dní se chytila 1 octomilka
0.87 EUR
za 5 dní se chytila 1 octomilka
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Product description
Customer reviews

Remove the Octomile and Fly Stick Trap from the box. Then hang it with the plastic hook in a suitable place. The trap can also just be placed in a place where insects are present. To increase the effectiveness, a supporting attractant such as Honey or syrup etc. can be added to the lower plastic cover. In case of outdoor use, the lower plastic cover can be removed.

Application notes
the Octomile and Fly Stick Fly Trap is effective until the entire surface is filled with trapped insects. Do not hang the Octomile and Fly Stick Fly Trap in direct sunlight or in drafts. In the event of hands getting stained with glue, it can be removed with soap and Water.


- height 35 cm
- width including covers 6,5 cm
- diameter of the glue roller 3,4 cm


These data are for information only. The seller is not liable for damages caused by improper use.

0.87 EUR
Zatím s tímhle přípravkem nemám zkušenosti, ale octomilek jsem tu v létě měla snad stovky a doufám, že mi tento výrobek pomůže ty octomilky zničit !!!
0.87 EUR
za 5 dní se chytila 1 octomilka
0.87 EUR
za 5 dní se chytila 1 octomilka
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