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Prost Protect Fresh Bait rodenticide for mice and rat control soft bait 150 g


Prost Protect Fresh Bait rodenticide for mice and rat control soft bait 150 g
Our Price
1.58 EUR with VAT 0%
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1.64 EUR with VAT
In stock:   10-20 ks
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Opište kód:
Producer:Prost, a.s.
Brand:Prost  (web)
Product description

Mouse home
40 g of bait per extermination station. If more than one extermination station is needed, they must be at least 5 metres apart.

Common rat
100 g of bait per extermination station. If more than one extermination station is needed, they must be separated by a minimum of 5 metres for high infestation and 10 metres for low infestation.


Place stations out of reach of children, birds, pets, livestock and other non-target organisms, in the immediate vicinity of the expected rodent population. Remove food that is easily accessible to rodents (do not clean the affected area beyond this as it disturbs the rodent population and makes it difficult for them to take the bait). Do not place the bait near food, drink, feed or tools and surfaces that come into contact with them.

Safety notice


Může být korozivní pro kovy. Způsobuje těžké poleptání kůže a poškození očí.

Varování. Pokyny pro bezpečné zacházení
Nevdechujte prach/dým/plyn/mlhu/páry/aerosoly. Po manipulaci důkladně omyjte… Používejte ochranné rukavice / ochranný oděv / ochranné brýle / obličejový štít. Skladujte uzamčené. Uchovávejte pouze v původním obalu. Uchovávejte mimo dosah dětí.

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Product description
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Mouse home
40 g of bait per extermination station. If more than one extermination station is needed, they must be at least 5 metres apart.

Common rat
100 g of bait per extermination station. If more than one extermination station is needed, they must be separated by a minimum of 5 metres for high infestation and 10 metres for low infestation.


Place stations out of reach of children, birds, pets, livestock and other non-target organisms, in the immediate vicinity of the expected rodent population. Remove food that is easily accessible to rodents (do not clean the affected area beyond this as it disturbs the rodent population and makes it difficult for them to take the bait). Do not place the bait near food, drink, feed or tools and surfaces that come into contact with them.

Safety notice


Může být korozivní pro kovy. Způsobuje těžké poleptání kůže a poškození očí.

Varování. Pokyny pro bezpečné zacházení
Nevdechujte prach/dým/plyn/mlhu/páry/aerosoly. Po manipulaci důkladně omyjte… Používejte ochranné rukavice / ochranný oděv / ochranné brýle / obličejový štít. Skladujte uzamčené. Uchovávejte pouze v původním obalu. Uchovávejte mimo dosah dětí.

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